

We all have nightmares now and then, but if they plague you it can be extremely frustrating. When your sleep is disturbed by frightening images on a regular basis, you should seek professional counseling as this means you are consciously suppressing an issue or event in your past (or present) and your subconscious has had enough of your denial.

For the occasional nightmare, place the following blessed sleep mixture in a white, green, blue, or purple square of cloth. Tie, place under your pillow, and enjoy pleasant dreams.


Blessed Sleep Mixture

Supplies: Mix equal parts of lavender (blessed sleep),

vervain (enchantment),

allspice (improves concentration and study habits),

pine (peace of mind and strength),

orange peel (cleansing), and chamomile (easy sleep).


Other ideas for a restful sleep: •Place crushed garlic under the bed to frighten away bad dreams. •Empower a stuffed animal for a child that acts as a guard against nightmares.

  • Hang an empowered dreamcatcher or hex sign over your bed.
  • Sew a quilt for a child using protective needle and thread magick. Make pockets that can hold herbs and be sewn shut. •Add a sprinkle of angelica to all wash water for nightclothes and sheets to exorcise any negativity. This is especially good for the sick.
  • Place an amethyst on the night table. Amethyst is well known for soaking up negativity.
  • Mix ground coffee and cinnamon with a mortar and pestle. Burn on a charcoal brick to fumigate the room.

*** I can make a Dreamcatcher with Herbs for Intent they also come with a Crystal for the purpose of this intent… see my Etsy Shoppe


Aloha for Reading…

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