To Turn A Jealous Ex/Person Away…


Get Rid of a Jealous Lover/Ex


Do on New Moon on Corresponding Day (if possible)


1 White Candle (You)

-1 Black Candle (Other Person)

-Your Hair -His/Her Hair

-Pair Of Chopsticks

-13 inch Black Ribbon

-Cauldron (Pot with Sand)


*Place Both Candles together on Altar (touching each other…)

*Light Both Candles visualizing other person as you light Black Candle…

*Take the hair from Both & wrap around chopsticks…

*Wind Black Ribbon around Hair & chopsticks… do not tie…

*Visualize other person walking/running the other way moving Black Candle 3 inches away… when you feel Picture securely in your mind burn Chop Stick in Cauldron

*Move Black Candle away more…


Lover/Person(s) of my past

It’s time you move on alas

There’s nothing for you here

It has been a long year…

It’s time for you to move on…

Time to go time to move along…

So it is said that we are done

You will no longer be bothersome…

As I will it… So Mote It Be!!!”


* Put Your Candle in your yard & other outside yard or far away…

If he returns do Spell again… a jealous stubborn possessive ex love can be a pain And hard to extricate… A restraining order is just a piece of paper but if worse comes to worse Empower the paper protector…

Date: October 31, November 2, November 4, or when the sun is at 15 degrees Scorpio.

Hallowe’en developed from the Celtic feast of Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”), which marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter. For the Celts, Samhain was the beginning of the year and the cycle of the seasons. Samhain was a time when the Celts acknowledged the beginning and the ending of all things. As they looked to nature, they saw the falling of the leaves from the trees, the coming of winter and death. It was a time when they turned to their Gods and Goddesses seeking to understand the turning cycles of life and death. Here, on the threshold of the cold barren winter months, it was also a time of feasting and celebration as the weakest animals were culled to preserve valuable foodstuffs, and provide food to last until the following spring. . . . For the Celts, Samhain was a time when the gates between this world and the next were open. It was a time of communion with the spirits of the dead, who, like the wild autumnal winds, were free to roam the earth. At Samhain, the Celts called upon their ancestors, who might bring warnings and guidance to help in the year to come. 39

Tribute to Dr. Raymond Buckland 8/31/1934 – 9/27/2017

Raymond Buckland’s Candle Burning Rituals


On this day 9/27 of last year since he started his new journey… wherever that may be… We shall meet… I love every book he has shared with us n for sure changed my life…


Timing Any time, though early morning or late evening hours seem to be best for most people

“To Meet Your Spirit Guide”


Day(s) Any day Hour Mercury Candles

Day Candle as appropriate; Offertory:

Violet (3) inscribed “Spirit,”

White (3) inscribed “Truth”


Incense Anise, Cardamom, & Coriander, or Fleawort, Hemp Seed, Parsley, & Violet Root Oil Acacia, Anise, & Cassia, or Gardenia, Jasmine, & Lotus, or Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, & Sandalwood

Key Word “Merge”


Supplementary Items Crystal Ball… Bath Almond, Anise, Lavender, Mint, & Orange  Bergamot, or Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, & Sandalwood

Breathe deeply & build your ball of protective light. While soaking in your Ritual Bath, Meditate on the Whole Ritual: the steps you will take & what you wish to say to your Spirit Guide when you make contact.

£ Enter the Circle in the hour of Mercury.

£ Light the incense.

£ With the Oil, dress the Altar Candles & the Day Candle, while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your taper; then from that, light the Altar Candles & the Day Candle. State your intent:

 I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her.

 With the Awl, inscribe the Violet #1 Candle with the word “Spirit.” Dress it with Oil.

Light the Violet #1 Candle, direct your energies into it, and say:

 Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will all eventually enter.

 Take up the Censer and swing it, censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the Key Word “Merge,” & building up the energy to that focus.

Replace the Censer & take up the Violet #2 Candle.  Inscribe it with the word “Spirit,” & dress it with the Oil. Put it back in its place & light it, directing your energies into it. Say:

 Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating ing the passageway between our worlds.

 Take up the Censer & again swing it, Censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the Key Word “Merge,” & building up the energy to that focus.  Replace the Censer.

Take up the Violet #3 Candle, inscribe it with the word “Spirit,” & dress it with Oil.

Replace it and light it. Say:

 Here do I light the 3rd Lamp of Spirit. May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light from these 3 lamps blend & grow, dispelling all darkness & lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me & speak with me here today.

 Inscribe each of the 3 White Candles with the word “Truth,” & anoint each with Oil.

Light the White #1, #2, & #3 Candles in order saying:

 Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout out this ritual, their power generates nothing but the truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me.

 Take up the Censer and again cense the whole ritual area, while chanting the Keyword “Merge.”

As you finish censing, replace the Censer, but keep up the chanting, sitting, & now gazing into the Crystal Ball as you chant. (A clear glass tumbler filled to the brim with water will do if you do not have a crystal ball. Stand the ball or glass on a piece of black cloth-velvet is best-so so that your eye is not distracted when scrying.)

When you feel right, let your chanting taper off until you sit quietly looking into the crystal. Do not try to picture anything in the crystal. Rather, try to keep your mind blank, so that whatever will come and appear to you comes of its own free will. Gaze into the center of the ball. There is no need to try not to blink; look naturally, blinking as you need, but try not to be distracted. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision; just gaze into the center of the ball. Eventually a face or figure will appear there. It may take a long while to come, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn’t come at all, after twenty minutes utes of waiting, abandon this attempt. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to that in which they were lit and, leaving everything set up, leave the ritual area. Try again in three day’s time. If nothing happens then, try in 3 more days, & so on. You should have results within a month at the most. If a figure does appear, accept it, & ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figure’s lips move, but you will become aware of the answer.

This is how most of your “conversation” will proceed: you will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will come into your head as though you are hearing them from the Spirit Guide. Ask if you have more than one Spirit Guide & if you do, ask for them to also appear to you. You may ask anything you wish, but I would suggest establishing a connection whereby your Guide may appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her. When you have finished speaking with your Guide, Thank him/her, & then sit for a moment with your eyes closed, meditating on all you have learned. Extinguish the Candles in Reverse order.

To Both Dr. Raymond Buckland & Dr. Gerald Gardner both inspiring men making our Heritage possible to be a recognized religion…

Study Buddies

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Blessed Be♡♡♡

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Raymond Buckland Chapter 3




Lesson Three Answers


  1. No. It can be whatever length best suits its owner.
  2. Yes, you could. The knife itself was merely the instrument used in the action. Any negativity would have gone to the murderer herself or himself. So long as the knife is properly cleansed and consecrated, it can certainly be used for an athame.
  3. No. Any knife should be worked on by its owner in some way. If you cannot make it from scratch, then perhaps you can make a new handle for it. If you cannot even do that, then at the very least do some work on it—carve your name and/or magickal monogram on it. Personalize it in some way. Then, of course, you must consecrate it.
  4. Engraving and etching.
  5. I would strongly recommend having a sword for coven use, but it is not mandatory. The athame can always be used in lieu of the sword.
  6.  A burin is an engraving tool and is used for marking on metal.
  7.  Jessica’s birth number is 9 (3.15.1962 3 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 27 = 9); Rowena is a 4 name number (R=9, 0=6, W=5, E=5, N=5, A = 1; 9 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 31 = 4). Therefore, Rowena would not be a good choice insofar as it does not match her birth number. She could, however, make it fit by adding another 5 letter. I would suggest adding another ‘E’, thus: ROWEENA = 9 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 36 = 9.20180805_160416
  8. Do not forget to include the “19” of the year (e.g., 1946) when working out your birth number.
  9. GALADRIEL: XMagical Monogram:

Cernunnos Horned God

He is known as the God of The Hunt …there is also another ‘supreme deity’ referred to as ‘The Horned God’, ‘Cernunnos’, ‘The God of Wicca’, ‘Pan’, ‘Herne’, ‘Dionysus’ and many more titles. He is known as the God of The Hunt, of fertility, of the Sun and the God of The Forest – and if, as the name suggests, you get the sense that he really is something else, then you are thinking along the right lines. The Horned God is the other half of the divine couple, with the Triple Moon Goddess being his partner.


The Horned God is one of the two primary deities found in Wicca and some related forms of Neopaganism. The term Horned God itself predates Wicca, and is an early 20th-century syncretic term for a horned or antlered anthropomorphic god with partly pseudo historical origins, partly based on historical horned deities.[1]

The Horned God represents the male part of the religion’s duotheistic theological system, the consort of the female Triple Goddess of the Moon or other Mother Goddess.[2] In common Wiccan belief, he is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle.[3]:32–34 Whilst depictions of the deity vary, he is always shown with either horns or antlers upon his head, often depicted as being theriocephalic (having a beast’s head), in this way emphasizing “the union of the divine and the animal”, the latter of which includes humanity.[4]:11

In traditional Wicca (British Traditional Wicca), he is generally regarded as a dualistic god of twofold aspects: bright and dark, night and day, summer and winter, the Oak King and the Holly King. In this dualistic view, his two horns symbolize, in part, his dual nature. (The use of horns to symbolize duality is also reflected in the phrase “on the horns of a dilemma.”) The three aspects of the Goddess and the two aspects of the Horned God are sometimes mapped on to the five points of the Pentagram, although which points correspond to which deity aspects varies. In some other systems, he is represented as a triune god, split into three aspects that reflect those of the Triple Goddess: the Youth (Warrior), the Father, and the Sage.

The Horned God has been explored within several psychological theories and has become a recurrent theme in fantasy literature.[5]:872   



Healing Chant

-1 Light Blue Candle
-Bergamot Incense
~Light Candle & Incense



Winters Solstice

Decorate your altar with a Yule log or tree (although obviously the tree might have to go on the floor, rather than the altar itself), lots of seasonal symbolism, and candles — after all, Yule is a celebration of light.

You’ll also want to have some holiday incense on your altar. Frankincense, cinnamon, myrrh — all are appropriate to the season; don’t light it just yet, though. Finally, have two candles in seasonal colors.

If you normally cast a circle, do so now — but don’t worry, it’s not mandatory.

To begin the ritual, sit on the floor near your altar — don’t light the candles just yet. Take a few moments to remember what things must have been like for our ancestors at this time of year. The harvest had been brought in, and they knew that in a few months, their stockpiles of food would be running low.

It was the season of darkness and Death, the time when the earth went dormant once more, sleeping until the spring returned. It was cold, often brutally so, and a lack of preparation could sometimes mean certain death. The days were short, the nights were long, and it must have seemed as though spring would never return.

Our ancestors knew that despite the darkness of this night, soon the light would return to the earth, bringing with it life. This night, the Winter Solstice, welcomes back the Sun, the ultimate giver of light.

Light the first candle, and say:

“Tonight is the night of the Solstice,
the longest night of the year.
As the Wheel turns once more, I know that
tomorrow, the Sun will begin its journey back to us.
With it, new life will begin,
a blessing from Earth to her children.”

Light the second candle, and say:

“It is the season of the winter goddess.
Tonight I celebrate the festival of the winter solstice,
the rebirth of the Sun, and the return of light to the Earth.
As the Wheel of the Year turns once more,
I honor the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.”

Light the remaining candles on the altar at this time, and if you have decorative holiday lighting, turn it on. Return to your place at the altar, and face the holiday tree or Yule log. Raise your arms up to the tree, and say:

“Today I honor the god of the forest,
the King of nature, who rules the season.
I give my thanks to the beautiful goddess,
whose blessings bring new life to the earth.
This gift I offer you tonight,
sending my prayers to you upon the air.”

Light your incense, and if you’d like to make an offering of food, bread, or something else, do so now. As the smoke of the incense rises to the night sky, meditate on what changes you’d like to see before the next Sabbat. Reflect upon the time of the season. Although winter is here, life lies dormant beneath the soil. What new things will you bring to fruition for yourself when the planting season returns? How will you change yourself, and maintain your spirit throughout the cold months? When you are ready,

Good News Spell


Good News Spell
You will need:
-1 Yellow, gold, Orange, or Green Candle
-Essential Oil of Bergamot, Cinnamon, or Patchouli
Instructions: Anoint the Candle
~Focus on the feeling of receiving some Happy News

from out of the Blue
Repeat the following words three times:

“Within three days arrives a happy surprise to brighten my day in a wonderful way”

Light the candle and seal the spell by saying So let it be.

Charisma Spell

CHARISMA SPELL A GENERAL SPELL FOR ANY DAY OF THE MONTH There are times when we just want to feel good about ourselves, to shine, to radiate, and to feel we have the charisma of a star. It is charisma, which is itself magical, and it’s going to be all yours after you perform this spell. WHAT YOU WILL NEED
-1 white candle
-1 black candle
-1 pink candle
-5 rose petals
-A bowl of spring water
-Favorite perfume
The word charisma originates from an ancient Greek word meaning “divine gift.” With the help of your magic ingredients and a little help from the moon goddess, Selene, you too will be filled with charisma and attraction. Place the three candles in a triangle or pyramid shape on your altar or a table, with the white one at the top of the pyramid, the black one to the left, and the pink one to the right. Light the candles. While the candles are burning, sprinkle the rose petals into the bowl of spring water and set it on your altar. Wait for five minutes, then one by one, remove the rose petals and place them on the table. As you do so, repeat the following:

“With each petal my beauty grows Within, without, and all about Hair, skin, face, and inner wealth As divine as the goddess, wild but svelte.”

Now return the rose petals to the bowl, with a little perfume added. Anoint the potion with a rose petal behind your knees, inner elbows, wrists, neck, and temples. As you do so, say,

“By the power of cosmos, moon, and sun By the power of three be done By the power of three, times two and three As I will, so mote it be.”

Only on the eve of the full moon, pour the remaining mixture away. As you do so, repeat the spell,

“Thrice I have charisma fine. Thrice this beauty will be mine. Thrice I shine, and thrice I win. Both those to me whose love they’ll bring.”

For the next two months, you will find your charisma brings you the attention or attraction factor you are seeking.