To Turn A Jealous Ex/Person Away…


Get Rid of a Jealous Lover/Ex


Do on New Moon on Corresponding Day (if possible)


1 White Candle (You)

-1 Black Candle (Other Person)

-Your Hair -His/Her Hair

-Pair Of Chopsticks

-13 inch Black Ribbon

-Cauldron (Pot with Sand)


*Place Both Candles together on Altar (touching each other…)

*Light Both Candles visualizing other person as you light Black Candle…

*Take the hair from Both & wrap around chopsticks…

*Wind Black Ribbon around Hair & chopsticks… do not tie…

*Visualize other person walking/running the other way moving Black Candle 3 inches away… when you feel Picture securely in your mind burn Chop Stick in Cauldron

*Move Black Candle away more…


Lover/Person(s) of my past

It’s time you move on alas

There’s nothing for you here

It has been a long year…

It’s time for you to move on…

Time to go time to move along…

So it is said that we are done

You will no longer be bothersome…

As I will it… So Mote It Be!!!”


* Put Your Candle in your yard & other outside yard or far away…

If he returns do Spell again… a jealous stubborn possessive ex love can be a pain And hard to extricate… A restraining order is just a piece of paper but if worse comes to worse Empower the paper protector…

Ronald Hutton of London

England, Ronald Hutton wrote the following: Among Witches I have found people who think of their goddess and god as archetypes of the natural world or of human experience, others who regard them as projections of human need and emotion which have taken on a life of their own, others who see them merely as convenient symbols, and yet others who have a belief in them as independent beings with whom relationships can be made. . . . More remarkable, and significant, I have encountered all those viewpoints within a single coven, co-existing in perfect harmony because the members never felt the need to . . . debate them. 

Devils Footprints

The Devil’s Footprints was a phenomenon that occurred during February 8-9 1855 around the Exe Estuary in East and South Devon, England. After a heavy snowfall, trails of hoof-like marks appeared overnight in the snow covering a total distance of some 40 to 100 miles (60 to 160 km). The footprints were so called because some people believed that they were the tracks of Satan, as they were allegedly made by a cloven hoof. Many theories have been made to explain the incident, and some aspects of its veracity have also been question


I think this was Cernonnos wandering England… Does Hunting Season Start around Feburary  for anything… Maybe it was the Blessing for Hunters…

Study Buddies

Download Google Classroom and put in this code to join… I will be sharing everything I’ve learned and things we can learn together… Come Join Us… Let’s have fun learning…

Blessed Be♡♡♡

Classroom Code… 4sbq4c2

I have a couple petitions up under Wendy Matta… please sign… what you send out comes back by 3… help where you can… if you feel you can make a difference… go for it… what have you got to lose if you dont try…

Blessed Be…


Yule (Winter Solstice)
Yule is the time of the Winter Solstice, and for many Pagans, it’s a time to say Goodbye to the Old, & Welcome the New. As the sun returns to the Earth, life begins once more. This ritual can be performed by a Solitary Practitioner, either male or female. It’s also easily adaptable to a small group of people.

Perform this ritual on the evening of the Winter Solstice. If you normally wear a ritual robe or ceremonial gown, do so — and feel free to embellish for the season!

Consider a crown of Holly, a special Yule-themed robe, or adding holiday bling to your existing robe. Sparkly is good!
Have some holiday incense on your altar. Frankincense, Cinnamon, Myrrh — all are appropriate to the season; don’t light it just yet, though. Finally, have 2 Candles in Seasonal Colors.

If you normally cast a circle, do so now — but don’t worry, it’s not mandatory.

To begin the ritual, sit on the floor near your Altar — don’t light the Candles just yet. Take a few moments to remember what things must have been like for our ancestors at this time of year. The harvest had been brought in, and they knew that in a few months, their stockpiles of food would be running low.

It was the season of darkness and Death, the time when the earth went dormant once more, sleeping until the spring returned. It was cold, often brutally so, and a lack of preparation could sometimes mean certain death. The days were short, the nights were long, and it must have seemed as though spring would never return.

Our ancestors knew that despite the darkness of this night, soon the light would return to the earth, bringing with it life. This night, the Winter Solstice, welcomes back the Sun, the ultimate giver of light.

Light the first candle, and say:

Tonight is the night of the Solstice,
the longest night of the year.
As the Wheel turns once more, I know that
tomorrow, the Sun will begin its journey back to us.
With it, new life will begin,
a blessing from Earth to her children.”

Light the second candle, and say:

“It is the season of the winter goddess.
Tonight I celebrate the festival of the winter solstice,
the rebirth of the Sun, and the return of light to the Earth.
As the Wheel of the Year turns once more,
I honor the eternal cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.”

Light the remaining candles on the altar at this time, and if you have decorative holiday lighting, turn it on. Return to your place at the altar, and face the holiday tree or Yule log. Raise your arms up to the tree, and say:

Today I honor the god of the forest,
the King of nature, who rules the season.
I give my thanks to the beautiful goddess,
whose blessings bring new life to the earth.
This gift I offer you tonight,
sending my prayers to you upon the air.”

Light your incense, and if you’d like to make an offering of food, bread, or something else, do so now. As the smoke of the incense rises to the night sky, meditate on what changes you’d like to see before the next Sabbat. Reflect upon the time of the season. Although winter is here, life lies dormant beneath the soil. What new things will you bring to fruition for yourself when the planting season returns? How will you change yourself, and maintain your spirit throughout the cold months? When you are ready, either end the rite, or continue on with additional rituals, such as Cakes and Ale or Drawing Down the Moon.

If you don’t have a ritual robe, you can take a cleansing bath before the rite, and then wear a simple cotton or other organic material. Another option would be to make a robe as a Yule gift to yourself!