Ronald Hutton of London

England, Ronald Hutton wrote the following: Among Witches I have found people who think of their goddess and god as archetypes of the natural world or of human experience, others who regard them as projections of human need and emotion which have taken on a life of their own, others who see them merely as convenient symbols, and yet others who have a belief in them as independent beings with whom relationships can be made. . . . More remarkable, and significant, I have encountered all those viewpoints within a single coven, co-existing in perfect harmony because the members never felt the need to . . . debate them. 

GardnerianTool Consecration


Consecrating Tools


Consecrating Tools 1957


Note: if possible lay any new weapon touching an already consecrated one, Sword to sword, Athame to Athame, etc.

  1.  Prepare Circle and purify. All tools must be consecrated by a man and a woman, both as naked as drawn swords; they must be purified, clean and properly prepared.
  2.  Place tool on pentacle on altar. Magus sprinkles it with salt and water. Witch passes it through smoke of incense, replaces it on pentacle. Touching with already consecrated weapon, they say the First Conjuration.

2-a. For sword or athame, say


“I conjure thee, O Sword (or Athame) of Steel, that thou servest me for a strength and a defence in all magical operations, against all mine enemies, visible and invisible, in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos. I conjure thee anew by the Holy Names Aradia and Cernunnos, that thou servest me for a protection in all adversities, so aid me.”


2-b. For any other tool, say,


“Aradia and Cernunnos, deign to bless and to consecrate this [tool], that it may obtain necessary virtue through thee for all acts of love and Beauty.”


  1.  Again they sprinkle and cense, and say the Second Conjuration:

3-a.  For sword or athame, say,


“I conjure thee, O Sword [Athame] of Steel, by the Great Gods and the Gentle Goddesses, by the virtue of the Heavens, of the Stars, of the Spirits who preside over them, that thou mayest receive such virtues that I may obtain the end that I desire in all things wherein I shall use thee, by the power of Aradia and Cernunnos.”


3-b.  For any other tool, say,


“Aradia and Cernunnos, bless this instrument prepared in thine honour.”


For the scourge or cords, add,


“That it may only serve for a good use and end, and to thy Glory.”


  1.  All instruments, when consecrated, should be presented to their User by giving the [point-down triangle] sign salute (if they are working in the 1st degree, or the sign of the higher degree if they are working that.) 5.  Then the one who is not the owner should give the Fivefold Kiss to the owner. For the final kiss, the tool should be placed between the breasts, and the two workers should embrace for as long as they feel like, it being held in place by their bodies. The new owner should use it immediately, i.e., cast (trace) Circle with Sword or Athame, wave wand to 4 quarters, cut something with white-handled knife, etc. Cords and scourge should be used at once. The tool should be kept in as close connection as possible to the naked body for at least a month, i.e., kept under pillow, etc. When not in use, all tools and weapons should be put away in a secret place; and it is good that this should be near your sleeping place and that you handle them each night before retiring. Do not allow anyone to touch or handle any of your tools until they are thoroughly impregnated with your aura; say, six months or as near as possible. But a couple working together may own the same tools, which will be impregnated with the aura of both.

Devils Footprints

The Devil’s Footprints was a phenomenon that occurred during February 8-9 1855 around the Exe Estuary in East and South Devon, England. After a heavy snowfall, trails of hoof-like marks appeared overnight in the snow covering a total distance of some 40 to 100 miles (60 to 160 km). The footprints were so called because some people believed that they were the tracks of Satan, as they were allegedly made by a cloven hoof. Many theories have been made to explain the incident, and some aspects of its veracity have also been question


I think this was Cernonnos wandering England… Does Hunting Season Start around Feburary  for anything… Maybe it was the Blessing for Hunters…

We all Are Teachers & Students This Man should be in your studies… Early Tribute of Dr. Raymond Buckland…


It is the power of guidance, healing, and transformation. But before we can really have it for others and the world, we must start by loving ourselves. Only then can we have Perfect Love and Perfect Trust for all.

Be Well,


i was looking king for a way to contact Dr. Buckland to find out if he can explain what’s happening to me when I’m working on someone…. I just found out of his passing yesterday… how funny that his one year of leaving the physical world…





We all have nightmares now and then, but if they plague you it can be extremely frustrating. When your sleep is disturbed by frightening images on a regular basis, you should seek professional counseling as this means you are consciously suppressing an issue or event in your past (or present) and your subconscious has had enough of your denial.

For the occasional nightmare, place the following blessed sleep mixture in a white, green, blue, or purple square of cloth. Tie, place under your pillow, and enjoy pleasant dreams.


Blessed Sleep Mixture

Supplies: Mix equal parts of lavender (blessed sleep),

vervain (enchantment),

allspice (improves concentration and study habits),

pine (peace of mind and strength),

orange peel (cleansing), and chamomile (easy sleep).


Other ideas for a restful sleep: •Place crushed garlic under the bed to frighten away bad dreams. •Empower a stuffed animal for a child that acts as a guard against nightmares.

  • Hang an empowered dreamcatcher or hex sign over your bed.
  • Sew a quilt for a child using protective needle and thread magick. Make pockets that can hold herbs and be sewn shut. •Add a sprinkle of angelica to all wash water for nightclothes and sheets to exorcise any negativity. This is especially good for the sick.
  • Place an amethyst on the night table. Amethyst is well known for soaking up negativity.
  • Mix ground coffee and cinnamon with a mortar and pestle. Burn on a charcoal brick to fumigate the room.

*** I can make a Dreamcatcher with Herbs for Intent they also come with a Crystal for the purpose of this intent… see my Etsy Shoppe


Aloha for Reading…

Study Buddies

Download Google Classroom and put in this code to join… I will be sharing everything I’ve learned and things we can learn together… Come Join Us… Let’s have fun learning…

Blessed Be♡♡♡

Classroom Code… 4sbq4c2

Meanings of the Four Directions



Meanings of the Four Directions

North From the north springs forth wisdom and completion. It is a time of delivery and freedom from things that may have been a challenge in our lives. It is a call for balance in all things. Its message is to find answers here and now using practical solutions and common sense. As we travel upward, moving in a northerly direction, our journey may become more difficult as we are nearing the end of a cycle. It is this direction that instructs us that this is not the time to give up when we are so close to completion. This direction can have difficulties attached to it, but the trip will be well worth the result. Here is where things are concluded and you may feel the most equalized. North represents power, organizing, insight, and justice. Whenever in doubt, turn north.

South Everything emotional comes from the south. Symbolically, south is a time for preparing for the future. It is a place of emotion and affairs of the heart. This point represents passion and fullness and reminds us to learn to control our bodies. Here we learn self-control of our emotional selves and how to express feelings without hurting others. It is in the south that we also learn to release feelings of hurt and anger. Creativity stems from the south as well, and we can make the connection to artistic pursuits and issues dealing with imagination and inventiveness.

East The day begins in the east. It is renewal, birth, and rebirth. It is with this direction that we find spontaneity, innocence, hope, and trust. The first light enters from the east, providing leadership and guidance. We learn many lessons from the messages of the east. We learn to believe in what we cannot see, feel, or touch. We learn to be more open-minded to things we do not understand. This is a place where a new venture or a different path through life may be awakened. It is also from this direction we must recognize that in order to proceed into the future, we must accept and deal with the present. Once we have accomplished this, we can move in a different direction. This is the conception of all things, including love, career, health, spirituality, and balance. You may have already been through many of life’s tests. But when spirit moves you to try yet again or venture out to do something new, you will find yourself in the direction of the east.

West The Sun sets in the west and brings in the night, mystery, and dreams; it is the gateway to the unknown. The direction west signifies completion of a situation or goal. It can suggest to you that it is time to complete something you have been procrastinating about. Power and strength generate in the west. This compass point prescribes determination and development. The west tells us to go within ourselves for guidance where the energy is calmer and your level of tension sets like the Sun.

We find acceptance of who we are; and if we don’t like what we find, we must change it. If you are not looking for a specific message or answer within a Moon circle but feel you need the connection to a specific direction, walk your circle and intentionally sit in the direction from which you feel you need to draw guidance and absorb its energy through meditation. Example: If you do not know whether to interview for a new job, sit in the direction east and concentrate. Be careful of meditating too much in the northern compass point, because like the winter, you may lose your warmth. Use all directions in moderation.