Spell Directions


NORTH corresponds to the element of earth. Face north for health issues, healing of the body, spirituality, increasing or developing your intuition, using some type of divination, for transcending the physical and trying to communicate with someone telepathically, and in asking for guidance from whomever or whatever you call your higher power. This is the most powerful direction.

SOUTH corresponds to the element of fire. Face south for love issues, relationships of any kind, creative and artistic pursuits, anything of a romantic or emotional nature.

EAST corresponds to the element of air. Face east for career issues, strength, clarity, new business opportunities, financial matters and any endeavor requiring extra energy, healing of the mind, new beginnings.

WEST corresponds to the element of water. Face west for letting go and moving on, increasing self-esteem, forgiving yourself or someone else, cleansing, unconditional love.

Special Note: When in doubt as to which direction to turn, face north, because it is the foundation of all things.

Day of The Week Correspondences




Monday Moon Psychic endeavors or impressions, invoking power, creative ideas, divine/ inspirational messages, healing

Tuesday Mars Sexual encounters, protection, building strength of mind and body, confidence

Wednesday Mercury Career/ job issues, intellectual pursuits, travel planning, research

Thursday Jupiter Finances, legal matters, spirituality, development

Friday Venus Romantic attraction, all relationships, reconciliation, physical makeovers, beautifying your environment

Saturday Saturn Home-related issues, brainstorming future project, committing to personal goals, weight loss, releasing bad habits, endings of any kind-relationships, etc.

Sunday Sun Healing of body, mind, soul, management/ decision-making, Insights to problem solving, divine intervention/ miracles, special friendships