Ronald Hutton of London

England, Ronald Hutton wrote the following: Among Witches I have found people who think of their goddess and god as archetypes of the natural world or of human experience, others who regard them as projections of human need and emotion which have taken on a life of their own, others who see them merely as convenient symbols, and yet others who have a belief in them as independent beings with whom relationships can be made. . . . More remarkable, and significant, I have encountered all those viewpoints within a single coven, co-existing in perfect harmony because the members never felt the need to . . . debate them. 

Tribute to Dr. Raymond Buckland 8/31/1934 – 9/27/2017

Raymond Buckland’s Candle Burning Rituals


On this day 9/27 of last year since he started his new journey… wherever that may be… We shall meet… I love every book he has shared with us n for sure changed my life…


Timing Any time, though early morning or late evening hours seem to be best for most people

“To Meet Your Spirit Guide”


Day(s) Any day Hour Mercury Candles

Day Candle as appropriate; Offertory:

Violet (3) inscribed “Spirit,”

White (3) inscribed “Truth”


Incense Anise, Cardamom, & Coriander, or Fleawort, Hemp Seed, Parsley, & Violet Root Oil Acacia, Anise, & Cassia, or Gardenia, Jasmine, & Lotus, or Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, & Sandalwood

Key Word “Merge”


Supplementary Items Crystal Ball… Bath Almond, Anise, Lavender, Mint, & Orange  Bergamot, or Cinnamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, & Sandalwood

Breathe deeply & build your ball of protective light. While soaking in your Ritual Bath, Meditate on the Whole Ritual: the steps you will take & what you wish to say to your Spirit Guide when you make contact.

£ Enter the Circle in the hour of Mercury.

£ Light the incense.

£ With the Oil, dress the Altar Candles & the Day Candle, while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your taper; then from that, light the Altar Candles & the Day Candle. State your intent:

 I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her.

 With the Awl, inscribe the Violet #1 Candle with the word “Spirit.” Dress it with Oil.

Light the Violet #1 Candle, direct your energies into it, and say:

 Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will all eventually enter.

 Take up the Censer and swing it, censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the Key Word “Merge,” & building up the energy to that focus.

Replace the Censer & take up the Violet #2 Candle.  Inscribe it with the word “Spirit,” & dress it with the Oil. Put it back in its place & light it, directing your energies into it. Say:

 Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating ing the passageway between our worlds.

 Take up the Censer & again swing it, Censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the Key Word “Merge,” & building up the energy to that focus.  Replace the Censer.

Take up the Violet #3 Candle, inscribe it with the word “Spirit,” & dress it with Oil.

Replace it and light it. Say:

 Here do I light the 3rd Lamp of Spirit. May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light from these 3 lamps blend & grow, dispelling all darkness & lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me & speak with me here today.

 Inscribe each of the 3 White Candles with the word “Truth,” & anoint each with Oil.

Light the White #1, #2, & #3 Candles in order saying:

 Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout out this ritual, their power generates nothing but the truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me.

 Take up the Censer and again cense the whole ritual area, while chanting the Keyword “Merge.”

As you finish censing, replace the Censer, but keep up the chanting, sitting, & now gazing into the Crystal Ball as you chant. (A clear glass tumbler filled to the brim with water will do if you do not have a crystal ball. Stand the ball or glass on a piece of black cloth-velvet is best-so so that your eye is not distracted when scrying.)

When you feel right, let your chanting taper off until you sit quietly looking into the crystal. Do not try to picture anything in the crystal. Rather, try to keep your mind blank, so that whatever will come and appear to you comes of its own free will. Gaze into the center of the ball. There is no need to try not to blink; look naturally, blinking as you need, but try not to be distracted. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision; just gaze into the center of the ball. Eventually a face or figure will appear there. It may take a long while to come, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn’t come at all, after twenty minutes utes of waiting, abandon this attempt. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to that in which they were lit and, leaving everything set up, leave the ritual area. Try again in three day’s time. If nothing happens then, try in 3 more days, & so on. You should have results within a month at the most. If a figure does appear, accept it, & ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figure’s lips move, but you will become aware of the answer.

This is how most of your “conversation” will proceed: you will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will come into your head as though you are hearing them from the Spirit Guide. Ask if you have more than one Spirit Guide & if you do, ask for them to also appear to you. You may ask anything you wish, but I would suggest establishing a connection whereby your Guide may appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her. When you have finished speaking with your Guide, Thank him/her, & then sit for a moment with your eyes closed, meditating on all you have learned. Extinguish the Candles in Reverse order.

To Both Dr. Raymond Buckland & Dr. Gerald Gardner both inspiring men making our Heritage possible to be a recognized religion…

Study Buddies

Download Google Classroom and put in this code to join… I will be sharing everything I’ve learned and things we can learn together… Come Join Us… Let’s have fun learning…

Blessed Be♡♡♡

Classroom Code… 4sbq4c2

I have a couple petitions up under Wendy Matta… please sign… what you send out comes back by 3… help where you can… if you feel you can make a difference… go for it… what have you got to lose if you dont try…

Blessed Be…

Meanings of the Four Directions



Meanings of the Four Directions

North From the north springs forth wisdom and completion. It is a time of delivery and freedom from things that may have been a challenge in our lives. It is a call for balance in all things. Its message is to find answers here and now using practical solutions and common sense. As we travel upward, moving in a northerly direction, our journey may become more difficult as we are nearing the end of a cycle. It is this direction that instructs us that this is not the time to give up when we are so close to completion. This direction can have difficulties attached to it, but the trip will be well worth the result. Here is where things are concluded and you may feel the most equalized. North represents power, organizing, insight, and justice. Whenever in doubt, turn north.

South Everything emotional comes from the south. Symbolically, south is a time for preparing for the future. It is a place of emotion and affairs of the heart. This point represents passion and fullness and reminds us to learn to control our bodies. Here we learn self-control of our emotional selves and how to express feelings without hurting others. It is in the south that we also learn to release feelings of hurt and anger. Creativity stems from the south as well, and we can make the connection to artistic pursuits and issues dealing with imagination and inventiveness.

East The day begins in the east. It is renewal, birth, and rebirth. It is with this direction that we find spontaneity, innocence, hope, and trust. The first light enters from the east, providing leadership and guidance. We learn many lessons from the messages of the east. We learn to believe in what we cannot see, feel, or touch. We learn to be more open-minded to things we do not understand. This is a place where a new venture or a different path through life may be awakened. It is also from this direction we must recognize that in order to proceed into the future, we must accept and deal with the present. Once we have accomplished this, we can move in a different direction. This is the conception of all things, including love, career, health, spirituality, and balance. You may have already been through many of life’s tests. But when spirit moves you to try yet again or venture out to do something new, you will find yourself in the direction of the east.

West The Sun sets in the west and brings in the night, mystery, and dreams; it is the gateway to the unknown. The direction west signifies completion of a situation or goal. It can suggest to you that it is time to complete something you have been procrastinating about. Power and strength generate in the west. This compass point prescribes determination and development. The west tells us to go within ourselves for guidance where the energy is calmer and your level of tension sets like the Sun.

We find acceptance of who we are; and if we don’t like what we find, we must change it. If you are not looking for a specific message or answer within a Moon circle but feel you need the connection to a specific direction, walk your circle and intentionally sit in the direction from which you feel you need to draw guidance and absorb its energy through meditation. Example: If you do not know whether to interview for a new job, sit in the direction east and concentrate. Be careful of meditating too much in the northern compass point, because like the winter, you may lose your warmth. Use all directions in moderation.

Follow This in Daily Life…


“Bide the Wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil: An’ ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee So ever mind the rule of three. Follow this with mind and heart, Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.”

Black Mirror

Black Mirror

[It is best when this magickal rite is performed on the FULL MOON.]

{Im doing this on our Blue Lunar Eclipse Moon on 1/31}

Items need:

Made Mix Already
-Picture Frame -Black Cloth -High Gloss Black Paint -Mugwort
-Star Anise -Poppy Seeds -Cinquefoil  -Hemp -Yarrow (Need to Add)

-Powdered moonstone

  • one red candle  • one teaspoon copal resin  
  • one bottle of Magickal Sight Potion  • one small moonstone
  • one 9×9 inch violet or black cloth  • charcoal briquette

~Mix & Blend Herbs as Powdery as Possible

~Paint one side of the glass with the black paint

~Sprinkle Herbs onto wet paint

~Once dry place glass back into Frame to see a shiny reflection


Magickal Sight Potion

  • one cup grape seed oil • one dram jasmine oil • one dram lemongrass oil
  • one dram benzoin oil • one dram anise oil • one half dram mint oil
  • one teaspoon lemongrass leaves • one teaspoon mesquite leaves
  • one small clear quartz


Burn some of the copal resin on the glowing charcoal briquette then pass the mirror through the incense smoke, and state aloud,


“I call you here great spirits of air, may you bless this ritual with your magick and power, may you bless this tool with intellect and vision.”


Light the red candle and state aloud,


“I call you here great spirits of fire, may you bless this ritual with your magick and power, may you protect this tool from negativity and burn away any and all uncleanliness and incorrect vibrations.”


Place a dab of the potion on your wrists, neck and on each corner of the mirror, state aloud,


“I call you here great spirits of water, may you bless this ritual with your magick and power, may you bless this tool to create positive flow of psychic vision.”


Hold the moonstone in your right hand and envision it being surrounded with violet light, absorbing psychic vibration, and state aloud,


“I call you here great spirits of earth, may you bless this ritual with your magick and power, may you bless this tool to act as a window into the world of the unseen.”


Hold the mirror towards the moon and state aloud,


“Magickal Moon bless this rite, fill this tool with magickal light, light of vision and prophetic sight, bless this magickal tool here tonight.”


Wrap the mirror in the cloth with the moonstone on its glass surface. Keep the mirror hidden for three days, retrieve the mirror on the 3rd & proceed with the scrying procedure or magickal rite.


Scrying Procedure


1.) In a darkened room, where you will be undisturbed, take the Black Mirror and place it on a table, two feet in front of you. You may want to light a small VIOLET or INDIGO CANDLE, be sure not to allow the flame to be seen in the reflection of the mirror. Burning VIOLET and INDIGO candles heightens psychic power and charges the third eye.

2.) Burn some incense to alter your state of consciousness. Bring your mental attention inward, relaxing each muscle beginning at your feet all the way to your head. Keep in mind the goal at hand and the answers you need guidance towards.

3.) Take three to six, deep cleansing breathes, as you do this, allow any and all tension in your body to release, until you become totally relaxed. You may need to spend time teaching your body to relax, don’t rush yourself.

4.) When you are at a point of complete relaxation, focus on what questions you need answered, or the problem in which you need guidance. Hold the question or thoughts in your mind for a few minutes.

5.) Close your eyes and state aloud, or in your mind,


“I allow my mind to receive psychic information, may this tool act as a window of vision and guidance, I ask that all visions be correct, and may they only guide me in a positive manner, So mote it be.”


6.) Open your eyes and gaze into the mirror, keep your eyes and mind focused on the mirror, allow yourself to almost “fall” into its dark surface.

7.) Keep a record of your thoughts, visions, and feelings you may have during the scrying procedure, written in a journal or Book of Shadows. NOTE: Keep in mind; the symbols and colors you may see are focal points from which your answers are received, in the beginning symbols may come as words, animals, clouds of color, shapes, and/ or spontaneous thoughts. As with any learned skill, practice is necessary to achieve the best results. Also the meanings of the “visions” in the mirror may take some time to understand and interpret. Don’t rush yourself in the attempt to configure the vision’s meaning, spend time to analyze the possible meanings, so one may benefit fully from the vision

bLaCk mIrRoR



Make A Black Scrying Mirror
1. Find yourself an old wooden or metal picture frame. Make sure that the frame is a dark color, as shiny frames tend to reflect in the finished mirror. An oval or a round frame is best no more than about 12″ in diameter. Don’t get one too big; you will want to carry it around sooner or later. With very little effort these can be found for a couple of dollars at any second hand store.

2. Buy a can of high gloss spray enamel paint. Read the label and make sure it is good for glass. Some paints are not. This can be found at any hobby shop, or hardware store.

3. Remove the glass and clean it well with a good glass cleaner. Let it dry for several hours.

4. Place the clean glass on a large piece of newspaper, being careful to handle it by the edges so as not to get finger oil on the surface. Spray paint the glass using quick even light passes back and forth until the glass is covered completely. WARNING! do not allow the paint to run! If you do the painting outdoors, be sure it is a sunny windless day. You do not want the paper or other debris to blow onto the wet paint and it takes several hours to dry before it can be handled.

5. Apply a second coat if necessary, but for the best effect it is best to do this in one coat. The mirror effect will be flawless that way.

6. Place the glass back into the finished frame and you have your Black Scrying Mirror. Believe me, it is every bit as good as any you can find for sale.

7. Empower the mirror with a Full Moon Spell or any spell which works for you. Once consecrated it is infused with your own personal magnetism and should not be handled by anyone else. If someone picks it up, reconsecrate it.